Countries with lots of international trade have high GDPs, even though their GDPs aren't growing any faster than the others

Countries with a high proportion of trade have high per-capita GDPs, even though they are not growing any faster

Former colonial powers are now ealthy; the indigenous people are left poor

Does international trade help alleviate poverty?

Increased international trade benefits the rich a lot, and the poor not much

Increased international trade reduces the gap between the middle-class and the rich

Large national GDPs benefit mainly the rich, and do not benefit the poor

Where per-capita GDP is higher, the poor hardly benefit

Is per-capita GDP related to the amount of international trade?

Per-capita GDP related to amount of international trade

GDP generated per kilogram of CO2 emitted, according to a country's division between Agriculture, Industry and Service sectors

GDP, according to a country's division between Agriculture, Industry and Service sectors

GDP growth, according to a country's diviision between agriculture, Industry and Service sectors

The move from agriculture to industry and its effect on GDP

Number of children born per woman, given fraction of adults

The literacy gap between men and women shrinks with greater overall literacy

Where women's education is suppressed, their lives are almost as short as men's

Govt deficit and budget, related to GDP

Energy efficient cars are more expensive