Web Server Statistics for The Wischik Family

Who is visiting, and why:

Month-by-month traffic record
Who is downloading the pages
The pages that point to wischik.com
Key words in searches that brought people to wischik.com
Searches that brought people to wischik.com
Browsers that visitors use
Operating systems that visitors use

What they are visiting:

The areas of wischik.com that get the traffic
The files on wischik.com that get viewed or downloaded
Types of files downloaded
Sizes of files downloaed

How well we serving them:

Whether they got their files okay
Files requested but not present

Program started at Fri-14-Jan-2011 14:28.
Analysed requests from Mon-01-Mar-1999 00:03 to Sat-01-Jan-2011 00:00 (4324.00 days).

General Summary

Successful requests: 87,267,472
Average successful requests per day: 20,182
Successful requests for pages: 9,028,652
Average successful requests for pages per day: 2,088
Failed requests: 3,277,739
Data transferred: 0.99 terabytes
Average data transferred per day: 239.41 megabytes

Monthly Report

Each unit (+) represents 1 gigabytes or part thereof.

   month:  pages: Gbytes: 
--------: ------: ------: 
Mar 1999:  13897:   0.73: +
Apr 1999:  13648:   0.77: +
May 1999:  14942:   0.90: +
Jun 1999:  14647:   1.15: ++
Jul 1999:  15657:   1.19: ++
Aug 1999:  14534:   1.09: ++
Sep 1999:  17234:   1.35: ++
Oct 1999:  17942:   1.35: ++
Nov 1999:  18062:   1.30: ++
Dec 1999:  17002:   0.98: +

Jan 2000:  19481:   1.30: ++
Feb 2000:  22214:   1.97: ++
Mar 2000:  19034:   1.36: ++
Apr 2000:  16579:   1.15: ++
May 2000:  18784:   2.10: +++
Jun 2000:  17353:   1.85: ++
Jul 2000:  18133:   1.78: ++
Aug 2000:  19062:   1.76: ++
Sep 2000:  17684:   2.30: +++
Oct 2000:  21803:   3.05: ++++
Nov 2000:  21179:   2.92: +++
Dec 2000:  20699:   2.64: +++

Jan 2001:  21641:   2.63: +++
Feb 2001:  19730:   3.22: ++++
Mar 2001:  20950:   2.80: +++
Apr 2001:  58649:   3.16: ++++
May 2001:  45438:   1.91: ++
Jun 2001:  32166:   1.43: ++
Jul 2001:  30310:   1.49: ++
Aug 2001:  29506:   1.49: ++
Sep 2001:  31531:   1.50: ++
Oct 2001:  35652:   1.87: ++
Nov 2001:  40765:   2.00: ++
Dec 2001:  44370:   1.94: ++

Jan 2002:  40504:   2.17: +++
Feb 2002:  47642:   3.19: ++++
Mar 2002:  27537:   2.23: +++
Apr 2002:  16519:   1.35: ++
May 2002:  40901:   3.04: ++++
Jun 2002:  37631:   2.76: +++
Jul 2002:  38533:   3.78: ++++
Aug 2002:  45166:  28.70: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sep 2002: 134485:  35.61: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Oct 2002: 136994:   4.59: +++++
Nov 2002: 135891:   2.12: +++
Dec 2002: 135694:   2.10: +++

Jan 2003: 242752:   2.48: +++
Feb 2003: 242929:   2.24: +++
Mar 2003: 262479:   2.58: +++
Apr 2003: 247586:   2.61: +++
May 2003: 234243:   2.63: +++
Jun 2003: 211437:   2.36: +++
Jul 2003: 139370:   2.07: +++
Aug 2003:  45131:   2.02: +++
Sep 2003:  51419:   2.45: +++
Oct 2003:  55514:   2.80: +++
Nov 2003:  51301:   2.81: +++
Dec 2003:  53721:   2.85: +++

Jan 2004:  53500:   3.20: ++++
Feb 2004:  58597:   3.79: ++++
Mar 2004:  72430:   5.20: ++++++
Apr 2004:  62889:   4.17: +++++
May 2004:  60343:   3.95: ++++
Jun 2004:  56481:   3.41: ++++
Jul 2004:  58826:   3.54: ++++
Aug 2004:  54495:   4.02: +++++
Sep 2004:  57805:   3.96: ++++
Oct 2004:  65334:   5.80: ++++++
Nov 2004:  71481:   8.32: +++++++++
Dec 2004:  73191:   8.93: +++++++++

Jan 2005:  72597:  10.00: +++++++++++
Feb 2005:  67985:   8.53: +++++++++
Mar 2005:  77253:   9.52: ++++++++++
Apr 2005:  81096:   9.78: ++++++++++
May 2005:  81136:   9.83: ++++++++++
Jun 2005:  88309:  11.00: +++++++++++
Jul 2005:  81492:  11.85: ++++++++++++
Aug 2005:  73051:  12.81: +++++++++++++
Sep 2005:  79806:  10.15: +++++++++++
Oct 2005:  95007:  12.91: +++++++++++++
Nov 2005:  86831:  12.07: +++++++++++++
Dec 2005:  86675:  11.22: ++++++++++++

Jan 2006:  96054:  11.70: ++++++++++++
Feb 2006:  84387:  10.67: +++++++++++
Mar 2006: 119784:  13.19: ++++++++++++++
Apr 2006:  97382:  12.56: +++++++++++++
May 2006:  94072:  14.02: +++++++++++++++
Jun 2006:  84522:  11.45: ++++++++++++
Jul 2006:  84013:  10.17: +++++++++++
Aug 2006:  79997:  13.52: ++++++++++++++
Sep 2006:  86991:  12.32: +++++++++++++
Oct 2006:  90954:  11.86: ++++++++++++
Nov 2006:  81230:  11.78: ++++++++++++
Dec 2006:  67266:  10.22: +++++++++++

Jan 2007:  61074:  11.13: ++++++++++++
Feb 2007:  55716:   9.24: ++++++++++
Mar 2007:  60501:   9.45: ++++++++++
Apr 2007:  58770:  10.41: +++++++++++
May 2007:  57266:   9.32: ++++++++++
Jun 2007:  62859:   7.47: ++++++++
Jul 2007:  73469:   8.58: +++++++++
Aug 2007:  68373:   9.49: ++++++++++
Sep 2007:  59007:   8.02: +++++++++
Oct 2007:  62856:   9.98: ++++++++++
Nov 2007:  58024:   7.94: ++++++++
Dec 2007:  55633:   8.66: +++++++++

Jan 2008:  54926:   6.88: +++++++
Feb 2008:  63325:  15.25: ++++++++++++++++
Mar 2008:  62900:   8.26: +++++++++
Apr 2008:  67366:   8.86: +++++++++
May 2008:  70706:   8.05: +++++++++
Jun 2008:  60675:   7.79: ++++++++
Jul 2008:  69711:   9.32: ++++++++++
Aug 2008:  58203:   8.55: +++++++++
Sep 2008:  53249:   8.29: +++++++++
Oct 2008:  63601:   9.75: ++++++++++
Nov 2008:  59220:   9.29: ++++++++++
Dec 2008:  53445:   8.52: +++++++++

Jan 2009:  57292:  13.86: ++++++++++++++
Feb 2009:  54582:  19.96: ++++++++++++++++++++
Mar 2009:  61467:  24.42: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Apr 2009:  54768:  13.72: ++++++++++++++
May 2009:  50915:  11.25: ++++++++++++
Jun 2009:  50112:  12.30: +++++++++++++
Jul 2009:  48560:  13.55: ++++++++++++++
Aug 2009:  48890:  11.43: ++++++++++++
Sep 2009:  51309:   9.91: ++++++++++
Oct 2009:  67668:  11.23: ++++++++++++
Nov 2009:  63706:  10.40: +++++++++++
Dec 2009:  62340:  10.08: +++++++++++

Jan 2010:  63444:  11.58: ++++++++++++
Feb 2010:  52872:  12.03: +++++++++++++
Mar 2010:  60265:  11.01: ++++++++++++
Apr 2010:  53309:   9.97: ++++++++++
May 2010:  53949:   9.49: ++++++++++
Jun 2010:  47017:   8.75: +++++++++
Jul 2010:  45896:   9.20: ++++++++++
Aug 2010:  48223:   8.99: +++++++++
Sep 2010:  52154:   9.20: ++++++++++
Oct 2010:  51949:   9.60: ++++++++++
Nov 2010:  50296:   8.48: +++++++++
Dec 2010:  47874:   8.65: +++++++++

Jan 2011:      1:   0.00: +
Busiest month: Sep 2002 (35.61 gigabytes).

Domain Report

Listing domains with at least 1 request for a page, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

  pages: 7-day pages: domain
-------: -----------: ------
2474227:           0: .net (Networks)
2471376:           0: .com (Commercial)
1720508:           0: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 233760:           0: .uk (United Kingdom)
 168941:           0: .edu (USA Higher Education)
 148857:           0: .au (Australia)
 143918:           0: .ca (Canada)
 128052:           0: .nl (Netherlands)
 120664:           0: .jp (Japan)
 109140:           0: .de (Germany)
 106899:           0: .it (Italy)
  90031:           0: .fr (France)
  83273:           0: .ru (Russia)
  67237:           0: .pl (Poland)
  58614:           0: .br (Brazil)
  54190:           0: .be (Belgium)
  45669:           0: .org (Non Profit Making Organisations)
  43636:           0: .se (Sweden)
  40269:           0: .dk (Denmark)
  35832:           0: .in (India)
  35534:           0: .us (United States)
  35257:           0: .mx (Mexico)
  32017:           0: .fi (Finland)
  31103:           0: .cz (Czech Republic)
  29880:           0: .nz (New Zealand)
  28826:           0: .ch (Switzerland)
  25169:           0: .hu (Hungary)
  23508:           0: .at (Austria)
  23165:           0: .es (Spain)
  22042:           0: .sg (Singapore)
  21140:           0: .no (Norway)
  19433:           0: .mil (USA Military)
  19429:           0: .pt (Portugal)
  18608:           0: .gr (Greece)
  18325:           0: .il (Israel)
  16638:           0: .ro (Romania)
  15527:           0: .ar (Argentina)
  15416:           0: .tr (Turkey)
  13414:           0: .gov (USA Government)
  13191:           0: .my (Malaysia)
  12707:           0: .tw (Taiwan)
  11295:           0: .za (South Africa)
  11127:           0: [unknown domain]
  10231:           0: .ie (Ireland)
   9840:           0: .hr (Croatia)
   8264:           0: .th (Thailand)
   8241:           0: .sk (Slovakia)
   8174:           0: .arpa (Arpanet)
   8066:           0: .ee (Estonia)
   7431:           0: .id (Indonesia)
   7318:           0: .cn (China)
   7073:           0: .ua (Ukraine)
   6343:           0: .lt (Lithuania)
   6114:           0: .hk (Hong Kong)
   5236:           0: .sa (Saudi Arabia)
   4967:           0: .ph (Philippines)
   4930:           0: [domain not given]
   4705:           0: .cl (Chile)
   4534:           0: .co (Colombia)
   4459:           0: .ae (United Arab Emirates)
   3616:           0: .pk (Pakistan)
   3503:           0: .pe (Peru)
   3472:           0: .yu (Former Yugoslavia)
   3190:           0: .bg (Bulgaria)
   3184:           0: .vn (Vietnam)
   3037:           0: .info (Informational)
   3034:           0: .kr (South Korea)
   3010:           0: .is (Iceland)
   2941:           0: .tt (Trinidad and Tobago)
   2650:           0: .uy (Uruguay)
   2493:           0: .si (Slovenia)
   2195:           0: .lu (Luxembourg)
   2125:           0: .lv (Latvia)
   1973:           0: .do (Dominican Republic)
   1960:           0: .cy (Cyprus)
   1864:           0: .ma (Morocco)
   1653:           0: .eg (Egypt)
   1614:           0: .biz (Businesses)
   1494:           0: .by (Belarus)
   1155:           0: .sc (Seychelles)
   1091:           0: .md (Moldova)
    988:           0: .gt (Guatemala)
    884:           0: .mt (Malta)
    841:           0: .cr (Costa Rica)
    815:           0: .ba (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
    799:           0: .ve (Venezuela)
    790:           0: .lb (Lebanon)
    773:           0: .mu (Mauritius)
    751:           0: .aw (Aruba)
    703:           0: .nu (Niue)
    689:           0: .int (International Treaty Organisations)
    628:           0: .jo (Jordan)
    628:           0: .cc (Cocos (Keeling) Islands)
    582:           0: .kz (Kazakhstan)
    537:           0: .tv (Tuvalu)
    529:           0: .su (Former USSR)
    517:           0: .bn (Brunei Darussalam)
    508:           0: .np (Nepal)
    461:           0: .sy (Syria)
    460:           0: .lk (Sri Lanka)
    430:           0: .ke (Kenya)
    419:           0: .ge (Georgia)
    385:           0: .ir (Iran)
    375:           0: .bm (Bermuda)
    343:           0: .mk (Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic))
    320:           0: .zw (Zimbabwe)
    299:           0: .gh (Ghana)
    295:           0: .fj (Fiji)
    292:           0: .cu (Cuba)
    291:           0: .qa (Qatar)
    280:           0: .na (Namibia)
    277:           0: .ec (Ecuador)
    262:           0: .py (Paraguay)
    253:           0: .gy (Guyana)
    225:           0: .ky (Cayman Islands)
    217:           0: .bo (Bolivia)
    216:           0: .ni (Nicaragua)
    215:           0: .am (Armenia)
    212:           0: .om (Oman)
    201:           0: .to (Tonga)
    189:           0: .bs (Bahamas)
    182:           0: .kg (Kyrgyzstan)
    176:           0: .ad (Andorra)
    169:           0: .jm (Jamaica)
    166:           0: .pf (French Polynesia)
    149:           0: .fo (Faroe Islands)
    147:           0: .mv (Maldives)
    144:           0: .mz (Mozambique)
    135:           0: .coop (Co-operatives)
    135:           0: .tz (Tanzania)
    133:           0: .zm (Zambia)
    131:           0: .an (Netherlands Antilles)
    119:           0: .bw (Botswana)
    118:           0: .al (Albania)
    116:           0: .vi (Virgin Islands (USA))
    113:           0: .hn (Honduras)
    108:           0: .ws (Samoa)
    106:           0: .kh (Cambodia)
    102:           0: .ug (Uganda)
     99:           0: .mg (Madagascar)
     88:           0: .mc (Monaco)
     87:           0: .bz (Belize)
     86:           0: .uz (Uzbekistan)
     84:           0: .bd (Bangladesh)
     82:           0: .mm (Myanmar)
     80:           0: .ag (Antigua and Barbuda)
     77:           0: .bt (Bhutan)
     74:           0: .az (Azerbaijan)
     70:           0: .nc (New Caledonia)
     70:           0: .gl (Greenland)
     69:           0: .ac (Ascension Island)
     65:           0: .sm (San Marino)
     64:           0: .pg (Papua New Guinea)
     64:           0: .dm (Dominica)
     53:           0: .gi (Gibraltar)
     50:           0: .li (Liechtenstein)
     45:           0: .ci (Ivory Coast)
     45:           0: .er (Eritrea)
     42:           0: .aero (Air Transport Industry)
     40:           0: .tc (Turks and Caicos Islands)
     39:           0: .pa (Panama)
     37:           0: .as (American Samoa)
     37:           0: .cx (Christmas Island)
     34:           0: .pr (Puerto Rico)
     34:           0: .rw (Rwanda)
     34:           0: .dz (Algeria)
     33:           0: .bh (Bahrain)
     31:           0: .fm (Micronesia)
     30:           0: .ye (Yemen)
     27:           0: .ls (Lesotho)
     25:           0: .mw (Malawi)
     24:           0: .sb (Solomon Islands)
     23:           0: .bb (Barbados)
     23:           0: .sv (El Salvador)
     20:           0: .ng (Nigeria)
     20:           0: .name (Individuals)
     17:           0: .je (Jersey)
     17:           0: .cd (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
     17:           0: .gg (Guernsey)
     15:           0: .ms (Montserrat)
     13:           0: .mn (Mongolia)
     13:           0: .im (Isle of Man)
     12:           0: .et (Ethiopia)
     11:           0: .kw (Kuwait)
     11:           0: .ck (Cook Islands)
     11:           0: .vu (Vanuatu)
     10:           0: .ml (Mali)
     10:           0: .ne (Niger)
     10:           0: .bj (Benin)
     10:           0: .st (Saint Tome and Principe)
     10:           0: .gp (Guadeloupe)
      9:           0: .ao (Angola)
      9:           0: .vc (Saint Vincent and Grenadines)
      8:           0: .ly (Libya)
      8:           0: .tm (Turkmenistan)
      8:           0: .gu (Guam)
      6:           0: .la (Laos)
      6:           0: .lc (Saint Lucia)
      6:           0: .aq (Antarctica)
      6:           0: .tp (East Timor)
      6:           0: .gs (South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands)
      5:           0: .mo (Macao)
      5:           0: .sh (Saint Helena)
      5:           0: .va (Vatican City State)
      4:           0: .bf (Burkina Faso)
      4:           0: .bi (Burundi)
      4:           0: .tj (Tajikistan)
      4:           0: .tk (Tokelau)
      3:           0: .ki (Kiribati)
      3:           0: .re (Reunion)
      3:           0: .sz (Swaziland)
      3:           0: .ga (Gabon)
      3:           0: .gm (Gambia)
      2:           0: .mr (Mauritania)
      2:           0: .nf (Norfolk Island)
      2:           0: .ps (Occupied Palestinian Territory)
      2:           0: .sd (Sudan)
      2:           0: .dj (Djibouti)
      2:           0: .tn (Tunisia)
      2:           0: .gn (Guinea)
      1:           0: .kn (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
      1:           0: .mq (Martinique)
      1:           0: .pn (Pitcairn Island)
      1:           0: .af (Afghanistan)
      1:           0: .cg (Congo)
      1:           0: .cm (Cameroon)
      1:           0: .sr (Suriname)
      1:           0: .tg (Togo)
      1:           0: .pro (Professionals)
      0:           0: [not listed: 1 domain]

Search Query Report

Listing queries with at least 1 request for a page in the last 7 days, sorted by the number of requests for pages in the last 7 days.

7-day pages: search term
-----------: -----------
          0: [not listed: 596,350 search terms]

Browser Summary

Listing browsers with at least 1 request for a page in the last 7 days, sorted by the number of requests for pages in the last 7 days.

  pages: 7-day pages: %7-day pages: browser
-------: -----------: ------------: -------
8451042:           0:             : [not listed: 6,608 browsers]

Operating System Report

Listing operating systems, sorted by the number of requests for pages in the last 7 days.

  pages: 7-day pages: %7-day pages: OS
-------: -----------: ------------: --
      6:           0:             : Atari
1442106:           0:             : OS unknown
    117:           0:             : OS/2
    145:           0:             : RISC OS
 133732:           0:             : Unix
 128115:           0:             :   Linux
   3197:           0:             :   SunOS
     83:           0:             :   OSF1
   1194:           0:             :   BSD
    137:           0:             :   HP-UX
     79:           0:             :   AIX
    290:           0:             :   IRIX
    637:           0:             :   Other Unix
   2028:           0:             : Symbian OS
 222993:           0:             : Macintosh
      2:           0:             : OpenVMS
    951:           0:             : WebTV
 373618:           0:             : Known robots
     38:           0:             : BeOS
6275216:           0:             : Windows
3944583:           0:             :   Windows XP
   2153:           0:             :   Windows CE
  45519:           0:             :   Windows Server 2003
  52540:           0:             :   Windows 95
 370228:           0:             :   Unknown Windows
    238:           0:             :   Windows 32-bit
 683200:           0:             :   Windows 98
  97986:           0:             :   Windows NT
 305938:           0:             :   Windows ME
    143:           0:             :   Windows 3.1
 772688:           0:             :   Windows 2000
     10:           0:             : Palm OS
     80:           0:             : Amiga

Directory Report

Listing directories with at least 0.02% of the traffic in the last 7 days, sorted by the amount of traffic in the last 7 days.

  pages: 7-day pages: %7-day bytes: directory
-------: -----------: ------------: ---------
      0:           0:             : /PmWiki/
      2:           0:             : /pmwiki/
      0:           0:             :   /pmwiki/pub/
      0:           0:             :     /pmwiki/pub/skins/
      0:           0:             :       /pmwiki/pub/skins/pmwiki/
    143:           0:             : /analog/
      9:           0:             : /s/
      0:           0:             : /PhPmYaDmIn/
      0:           0:             : /PHPmyadmin/
      0:           0:             : /PHPMYadmin/
     25:           0:             : /furnacefirepress/
      0:           0:             :   /furnacefirepress/editable/
      1:           0:             :   /furnacefirepress/drillbits/
     29:           0:             : /index/
      0:           0:             : /cgi-bin/
      0:           0:             :   /cgi-bin/formmail.pl/
      0:           0:             :     /cgi-bin/formmail.pl/cgi-bin/
     15:           0:             : /questionnaires/
   1327:           0:             : /editable/
     29:           0:             : /icons/
     10:           0:             :   /icons/small/
  17297:           0:             : /chaplaincy/
      0:           0:             :   /chaplaincy/frame/
      2:           0:             :   /chaplaincy/pics/
      3:           0:             : /internal/
      1:           0:             :   /internal/files/
      0:           0:             : /PMA/
    124:           0:             : /tdg/
      0:           0:             :   /tdg/uploads/
      0:           0:             :     /tdg/uploads/Main/
      0:           0:             :   /tdg/Site/
      0:           0:             :   /tdg/Main/
      9:           0:             :   /tdg/Writings/
      0:           0:             :     /tdg/Writings/Writings/
      7:           0:             : /Fred/
      0:           0:             :   /Fred/Main/
      0:           0:             :   /Fred/PmWiki/
5458235:           0:             : /lu/
     20:           0:             :   /lu/Test/
      1:           0:             :   /lu/dumpling/
 237228:           0:             :   /lu/massage/
      0:           0:             :     /lu/massage/ ljwinstruct.html HTTP/
      0:           0:             :     /lu/massage/ljwinstruct.html/
      0:           0:             :     /lu/massage/ljwhistory.html onMouseOver=return m(http://
      0:           0:             :       /lu/massage/ljwhistory.html onMouseOver=return m(http://www.wischik.com/
  22678:           0:             :   /lu/faces/
      6:           0:             :   /lu/PaddleGame/
      0:           0:             :   /lu/Main/
      0:           0:             :     /lu/Main/$SkinDirUrl/
    613:           0:             :   /lu/editable-web/
      0:           0:             :   /lu/AttachRm2podcast2/
  32829:           0:             :   /lu/art/
     34:           0:             :     /lu/art/talks/
      2:           0:             :       /lu/art/talks/thumbs/
      0:           0:             :   /lu/sailing/
      6:           0:             :   /lu/src/
      1:           0:             :   /lu/greenblade/
      0:           0:             :   /lu/GetIdleTime/
 121048:           0:             :   /lu/travel/
      1:           0:             :     /lu/travel/wsdot/
     20:           0:             :     /lu/travel/home/
     11:           0:             :     /lu/travel/ellensburg/
   1609:           0:             :     /lu/travel/geo/
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      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/fruit/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/shared files/
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      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/swimming/
    257:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/sushi/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/pizza/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/chestnut/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/fancy/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/aubergine/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/antipasto/
    332:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/cake/
     53:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Mummy/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/ham/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/images/
    184:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/potato/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/compote/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/ccs/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/cookie/
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      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/pie/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Chinese/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/banana/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Italian/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/css/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Balkan/
      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/ed/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Jewish/
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      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Damon/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/mb/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/wp-content/
     36:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/stylish/
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      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/piernik/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Wischik/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Persian/
     19:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/noodles/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/appetizer/
      4:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Australian/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/squash/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/cabbage/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/mummy/
      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/butter/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/anchovy/
    390:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/main+dish/
      7:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Texts/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/rus/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/resources/
     99:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/almond/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/style_sheets/
     70:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/European/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/whisky/
    132:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/accompaniment/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/media/
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    412:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/pumpkin/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/styles/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Russian/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/filling/
      6:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/New+Year/
     28:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/fish/
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      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Songs/
    241:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/pudding/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Thanksgiving/
    158:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/sauce/
      5:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/chocolate/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/assets/
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      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/rose/
     57:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/gingerbread/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/geo/
    192:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/orange/
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      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/tatin/
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      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/vinaigrette/
      3:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/starter/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Baba/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/cranberry/
    212:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/cream/
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      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/garnish/
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      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/cornmeal/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Scottish/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Morocco/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/picnic/
      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/summer/
      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/pasta/
      8:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/tart/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/stylesheets/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/quiche/
      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Easter/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/port/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/sailing/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/blancmange/
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      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/vegetable/
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      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Templates/
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      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/eggplant/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Indian/
    221:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/waiting/
     10:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/elite/
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      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Shay/
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      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/French/
      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/pea/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Singaporean/
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      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/lunch/
      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/mushroom/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/cumin/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Lucian/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/invented/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Irish/
      2:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/talks/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/easter/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Mexican/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/vegetarian/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/medieval/
      3:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/lentil/
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      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/common/
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     37:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/sea+bass/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/main dish/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/style/
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      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/french/
      0:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/New Year/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/lamb/
      1:           0:             :       /damon/recipe/tag/Roman/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/salmonpotato/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/poncystarters/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/yusheng/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/hollandaise/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/anzac/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/mushroomrisotto/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/easter2010/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/rhubarbmangocompote/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/chickpinwheels/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/rigilucky/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/sobanoodles/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/coulibiac/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/stewedchestnuts/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/sweetsledzi/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/porkbelly/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/limesherbet/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/lurecipe/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/beettzatziki/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/mushquiche/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/festivecheer/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/salmonorangine/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/blancmange/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/raspcransorbet/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/spekulaas/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/coffeecream/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/fishsoup/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/mizeria/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/garbage*/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/smokedfishpate/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/coconutkale/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/choctart/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/prinzregenttorte/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/gateaupanache/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/asparagusfettucine/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/shakerapple/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/borschtbaba/
      1:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/code/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/lucianpumpkin/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/cracowlayercake.rcp/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/mozarellatomatoes/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/mustardmayonnaise/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/summerpudding/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/paulineham/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/codwine/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/stansfood/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/tomsalad/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/gorgonzolapears/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/pumpkingnocchi/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/lemonmintsorbet/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/cherrytart/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/pizzabase/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/tomatotatin/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/lutomato/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/pescepazza/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/potatopancakes/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/mazurek/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/empanmarcus/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/crabspaghetti/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/zucchiniflorentine/
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      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/wassailbowl/
      0:           0:             :     /damon/recipe/beefstroganoff/
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      0:           0:             : /MyAdmin/

File Type Report

Listing extensions, sorted by the amount of traffic.

    reqs: %bytes: extension
--------: ------: ---------
18256774: 22.80%: .jpg  [JPEG graphics]
  637340: 19.17%: .zip  [Zip archives]
  455951: 15.97%: .exe  [Executables]
 5109815: 10.98%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
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19321418:  8.41%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
34394407:  6.74%: [no extension]
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   11032:  0.05%: .xml  [Extendable Markup Language]
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    8409:       : .javascript
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      24:       : .bmp
       5:       : .PDF
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       2:       : .ps   [PostScript]
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      18:       : .plt
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      27:       : .0
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       3:       : .IDX
       8:       : .HTM
    1693:       : .mso  [MS Office file]
       8:       : .DOC
       5:       : .dll
       3:       : .RTF
       6:       : .DAT
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       1:       : .fon
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       5:       : .GroupHeader
      41:       : .cgi  [CGI scripts]
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       2:       : .XLS
       3:       : .Unison-ssh
      18:       : .jsp  [Java Server Pages]
      18:       : .aspx
       3:       : .1
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       2:       : .include(
       1:       : .cfg
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       3:       : .php3
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       2:       : .0 OK
       2:       : .cfm  [Cold Fusion]
       2:       : .HaeTyyli
       2:       : .MOBI
       2:       : .ru
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       9:       : .net
       2:       : .axd
       9:       : .getComments
       2:       : .rdf
       4:       : .xaml
       8:       : .rm
       5:       : .wml
       2:       : .Security
       1:       : .html#download
       1:       : .ProgrammerComments
       1:       : .ram
       1:       : .html#header
       2:       : .html#proper-forests
       1:       : .html#speed
       1:       : .html#examples
       1:       : .html#note_love_love
       1:       : .html#SaverAbortsWhenChangingScreenMode
       1:       : .html#accelerated
       1:       : .html#book2
       1:       : .html#chest
       1:       : .html#feet
       2:       : .html#villagers
       1:       : .tml

File Size Report

       size: 7-day reqs: %7-day bytes:     reqs: 
-----------: ----------: ------------: --------: 
          0:          0:             :  4834569: 
   1B-  10B:          0:             :    17019: 
  11B- 100B:          0:             :   427205: 
 101B-  1kB:          0:             :  9037441: 
  1kB- 10kB:          0:             : 61288930: 
 10kB-100kB:          0:             : 10526801: 
100kB-  1MB:          0:             :  1011705: 
  1MB- 10MB:          0:             :   123112: 
 10MB-100MB:          0:             :      675: 
100MB-  1GB:          0:             :        9: 
      > 1GB:          0:             :        6: 

Status Code Report

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

    reqs: status code
--------: -----------
80807962: 200 OK
      72: 201 Created
  731985: 206 Partial content
      10: 2xx [Miscellaneous successes]
  689181: 301 Document moved permanently
   15606: 302 Document found elsewhere
       6: 303 See other document
 5727443: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
    9049: 400 Bad request
    4238: 401 Authentication required
   23902: 403 Access forbidden
 3220791: 404 Document not found
    5143: 405 Method not allowed
     152: 406 Document not acceptable to client
    3165: 408 Request timeout
    2576: 414 Requested filename too long
    4040: 416 Requested range not valid
    3759: 500 Internal server error
     924: 501 Request type not supported

This analysis was produced by analog 6.0.
Running time: 105 minutes, 34 seconds.

HTML 2.0 Conformant!